The panel will be a discussion between groups that are taking different approaches to tackle insulin affordability. They will share about the work they’re doing, discuss ways to support each other, and share organizing tactics as well as challenges they’ve come across.
Sunday, October 18th, Noon Pacific time on Zoom. Register via this link.
The Open Insulin Project invited Nicole and Kylene from T1International and Deidre and Mindi from the Right Care Alliance. The panel will be moderated by Emma Wine. The panel and discussion will be recorded and posted on Youtube.

Panelist bios
Kylene Redmond (T1International)
Originally diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 later found out she was not Type 2 but actually Type 1. This correct diagnosis came after several hospital stays and a conversation with one of the providers. Digging into further medical history and current medications the provider ordered additional testing which revealed she was in fact Type 1. Kylene is the founder of Blackdiabetic Girl which focuses on diversity and inclusion of Black and People of Color in the diabetic community. Making merchandise that focuses on representation. Kylene is also co-founder of Chatting with Everyday Diabetics and Dope Diabetic Girls Club. Chatting with Everyday Diabetics is a podcast whose host are 3 women with very different backgrounds and ethnicities. These three girlfriends wanted to bring something different to the community by sharing everyday stories. Dope Diabetic Girls is a club for diabetic women of all types, age and race. Our mission is to provide a safe space for women to come talk about diabetes, connect with others and form those friendships within the diabetic community. We knew what it was like not having women who shared this disease to travel this journey with so we wanted to ensure that every diabetic woman has a tribe. While this might seem like a lot, Kylene is also pursuing her educational journey working on a degree in Social Work.
Nicole Smith-Holt – T1International
Nicole Smith-Holt lives in the Minneapolis area. She is a mother of four and a Financial Aid Specialist at Minneapolis College. A graduate of St. Catherine University of St. Paul, Minnesota, Nicole is the Charity Ambassador for T1International as well as a Leader for MNinsulin4all, an advocacy group working for affordable insulin for all diabetics in MN. Nicole is also a MAPE member. Nicole has also been appointed as Co-Chair for the MN Advisory Task Force On Lowering Pharmaceutical Drug Prices. Nicole is also a member of the Founders Council for US of Care Follow as well as Honorary Chair for Our Stories. Our Health. Follow her on Twitter: @NSmithholt12.

Deidre Waxman – Right Care Alliance
I have been working with the RightCareAlliance lobbying and protesting for affordable insulin . I have been featured in many publications for my work on affordable insulin for all.
Mindi Patterson – Right Care Alliance
Mindi Patterson has two sons and a husband with Type 1 Diabetes. She also lost her sister-in-law, Meaghan, to insulin rationing on Christmas in 2018. She works as a Receiving Clerk for Costco. She is active with the Right Care Alliance as one of the leaders in the Insulin Working Group. She has been interviewed by Washington Post, USAToday, France24, as well as others on the issue of insulin rationing in the United States. She would like to see healthcare reform in depth and especially in relation to access and affordability of insulin. The Right Care Alliance, and specifically the Insulin Working Group, is dedicated to finding solutions to make that happen.